365 Dawns

Tonight at Dawn just reached its 1st year anniversary and 200th article on Sunday (2.22: “Tonight at Noon“). To celebrate, we are presenting our largest (& favorite) milestones from the last 365 days. Thanks for taking the ride and stay with us as we evolve! Tonight at Dawn: Favorite Posts by the Month 2014 February: TaD’sContinue reading “365 Dawns”

Change is Blowin’ in the Wind

Images by Joan Sullivan/Text by K. Cecchini Photographer Joan Sullivan  has spent much of her life working on very serious campaigns and is a realist, yet her optimism is contagious. Mid-Life Renewal At age 50, Sullivan left her bureaucratic work to pursue photography as her agent for change. Since then she has shifted from supporting Botswana communities strickenContinue reading “Change is Blowin’ in the Wind”

Pentagon Identifies Climate Change as Threat (…Shocker)

Text by K. Cecchini According to his Department, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel identified climate change as a threat at the Conference of the Defense Ministers of the Americas today in Peru. Hagel asserted that climate change is likely to aggravate present issues such as infectious diseases, drought and failure which can be a slippery slopeContinue reading “Pentagon Identifies Climate Change as Threat (…Shocker)”